Queso Campesino
We appreciate your trust greatly. Our clients choose us and our products because they know we are the best.
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Our Cheeses
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The Authentic Mexican Cheese
Queso Campesino cheeses are manufactured from pasteurized, Grade A whole milk from cows, most often sourced from local dairies for farm-to-table freshness.
Farm-to-Table Freshness
Queso Campesino cheeses are manufactured from pasteurized, Grade A whole milk from cows, most often sourced from local dairies for farm-to-table freshness. Suppliers agree to exacting standards, including a commitment to the ethical treatment of their animals in a well maintained and protected environment.
Colorado Ranchers Inc.
We are part of a company with a passion for great flavor that brings family together.
Queso Campesino
Mission Statement
To provide customers with best quality products, service, value added, and transcend for new generations.